Poison dart frogs are some of the most stunning and beautiful animals you can have as pets. They have very specific care requirements and require very small foods, With proper research and the right supplies anyone can care for them. Dart frogs are native to Central and South America. They contain powerful toxins in their skin in the wild, but captive bred individuals loose them. They can live 7-15 yrs. These frogs are active during the day and known for being bold. They can provide you with hours of enjoyment watching them search for food and interact.
Keep your dart frogs in tropical, planted vivarium with plenty of hiding and climbing places. Two frogs can be kept in a ten gallon tank. Add 10 additional gallons for each additional frog to avoid territorial fights.
Water and Humidity
Water should be provided at all times. It can be in the form of a moving water feature or a water bowl. Perform frequent partial water changes if using a water feature, and change the water daily if using a water bowl. Humidity should be between 70-100%. The higher the better with these frogs. Mist the tank daily or hook it up to a fogger to maintain the humidity.
These frogs due well with daytime temperature ranging from 72-82 degrees F. Night time temperatures can be allowed to drop down to 70 or high 60s. A heating pad stuck to the back of the tank will provide sufficient heat.
Dart frogs require small foods. Feed them pinhead crickets, fruit flies, spring tails, termites, flour beetles and other small foods (Phyllobates terribilis can take up to quarter inch crickets). I culture my own fruit flies, spring tails, and crickets to feed mine.Young frogs should be fed everyday. Adults can also eat everyday, but every other day is just as fine for them. Dust the food with a calcium/vitamin supplement 2-3 times a week and offer a variety of foods.
Good Beginner Species
Dendrobates Auratus (pictured above)
D. Leucomelas
D. Azures
D. Tinctorius
Phyllobates Terribilis
P. Vittatus
P. bicolor